Monday, April 29, 2013

Homework Assignment

Science Homework: Due: Friday, May 3
1. Complete "Predator and Prey" worksheet.

Social Studies- Due: Thursday, May 2
1.  Write a summary of your News Story using your 5 W's sheet and the summary outline.  (I will email the outline to you.) 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Homework Assignment

Science Homework: Due: Friday, April 26
1. Study "Plant" vocabulary words on Quizlet for 15 minutes each night. Your username is your first initial, last name, tjs --> John Smith's username would be "jsmithtjs." If you forget your password, you can email me and I will send it to you.

**There will be a quiz on Friday on plants.
Social Studies- Due: Friday, April 26
**Remember to pick articles that will be interesting to share on your class' news station.
1. Read an article on our class Dogo News site and complete "5 W's Chart." Please write your answers in complete sentences. Practice doing a newscast with your "5 W's" information.

2. Find a news article to bring to class on Friday. It can be cut out of a newspaper or magazine or printed off a news site on the internet. Please make sure it is appropriate for school. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

What's going on in Room 13?

This is the perfect time for studying plants!  Everywhere you look there is green to be seen.  Students participated in a flower lab last Friday and saw first hand the different parts of a flower. 

Learning targets:
- I can describe plant parts and what they are used for.
- I can explain the different life cycles of plants.
- I can explain how to use a Dichotomous key to identify things.

Some ways to help at home:
- Go on a nature walk and compare different plants (leaves, stems, flowers).
- Grow a plant at home and observe the different stages of a plant.

Social Studies:
We have been studying current events the past few weeks.  Now that students have had some experience reading different news articles and picking out the main idea, they will create their own news stations and report the news!   This week will be spent working out the details of how they want to run their news station. 

Learning targets:
- I can describe the main idea and details of something (i.e. article, news story, event)
- I can identify and describe the functions of various non-fiction text features (i.e. caption, heading, table of contents, index, etc)
- I can participate and and make positive contributions when working in a group.

Some ways to help at home:
- Watch or talk about the news at home.  Discuss why it is important and reasons why people watch the news.
- Discuss different topics that can be covered on the news (i.e. sports, weather, local, national, etc)
- Discuss various events and the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, why)


Flower Dissection Lab

Students had a chance to act as botanists on Friday when they worked in pairs and dissected flowers.  They successfully found and examined various parts of a flower such as the stamen, pistil, petals, ovaries, and ovules. 

A special thanks goes out to Mr. McCool for supplying all the flowers for our Flower Lab!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

West, Texas help

If you would like to donate items for the people affected in West, Texas, please bring them tomorrow morning (April 19). Someone on our staff will be going this weekend to help with the Red Cross.

Possible items for donation: baby formula, adult and baby diapers, dog/cat food, bedding, clothing, etc.

I apologize for the late notice.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Homework Assignment

Hi Everyone!

Here are the homework assignments for the week.

Science Homework: Due: Friday, April 19
1. Visit "Science Kids" link and play "Life Cycle of a Plant."
Learn about the life cycle of a plant by sorting the parts of a flower, discovering what each part does and how it contributes to the life cycle of a living thing.

2. "Plant Vocabulary Matching"- Match the vocabulary words with its definition or purpose.

3. Study "Plant" vocabulary words on Quizlet for 15 minutes each night.  Your username is your first initial, last name, tjs  --> John Smith's username would be "jsmithtjs."  If you forget your password, you can email me and I will send it to you.

**There will be a quiz on Friday on plants.  Some other ways to study are reading over your flower diagram in your journal, your plant powerpoint outline, and your "Plant Parts" homework passage from last week.
Social Studies- Due:  Due: Friday, April 19
1. Read an article on our class Dogo News site and complete "5 W's Chart."   Please write your answers in complete sentences.  Practice doing a newscast with your "5 W's" information.

2. Find a news article to bring to class on Friday.  It can be cut out of a newspaper or magazine or printed off a news site on the internet.  Please make sure it is appropriate for school.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Homework Assignment

Dear Parents and Students,

Here are the homework assignments for the week.

Science Homework: Due: Friday, April 12
1. Read "Plants and their Parts" and answer the questions.
2. Visit "Science Kids" link on the blog and play "How Plants Grow."

Social Studies- Due:  Due: Friday, April 12
1. Swimming pigs?  Smart trash cans?  Find out more at Dogo News!  Read an article on our class Dogo News site and complete "5 W's Chart."   Please write your answers in complete sentences.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Catapult Challenge

Students put their knowledge of simple machines to work this past week when they were challenged to build catapults out of random objects.  They were extra motivated once they learned their target was their teacher!  Lucky for me they were using large marshmallows as their ammunition.  Haha! All students were able to successfully name the 4 components of a lever in their catapults (lever, fulclrum, load, effort).

Challenge: to build a catapult out of random objects (i.e. popsicle sticks, paperclips, rubber bands, plastic spoons, tape, index cards, etc)
Why: for fun!
When: Tuesday, April 2, 2013
What:  Each team had three tries to launch marshmallows at the teacher with their catapults.  Then they had three tries to see how far their catapults would launch their loads.

Jack launching his catapult

Kailyn excited to try out her catapult
Looking eager to catapult marshmallows at Mrs. Donovan

Planning their strategy



Monday, April 1, 2013

Science and Social Studies Update

Dear Parents and Students,

What an amazing past few weeks with our Regions Party and Cardboard Arcade!  The kids' hard work paid off and was evident from the success of these two events.  Thank you for all your help along the way!

Brief update:
In science, we are reviewing "Simple Machines" on Monday and Tuesday.  Students will have a test on Thursday and then we will move on to the world of plants. 

In social studies, we will spend the rest of the year covering current events, map skills, and states of the U.S.A.

Science Homework:
1. Find three different kinds of leaves and write as many observations as you can about them.  (Due: Friday, April 5)
2. Study for "Simple Machines" test each night (Test will be Thursday, April 4)
    - Monday- read over your Simple Machines Review Packet for pulleys and levers
    - Tuesday- read over your Simple Machines Review Packet for wheel and axle and inclined planes
    - Wednesday- Visit EdHeads website and go to the "House" to review simple machines.  Review  Simple Machines packet as needed.

Social Studies Homework:
1. Complete the "Lost in the United States" to find out which state Penelope Peabody is.  Use the clues to determine which state she is in.  (Due: Friday, April 5)

Here's a sneak peek from the Cardboard Arcade!
"Space Ball"- Kailyn, Peyton, Jack, Andrew, Sam