Monday, November 26, 2012

ROCKstars! (Science Update)

Hi Parents and Students,

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving full of family, friends, and food! 

In Science, we started a  new unit on "Rocks and Minerals" before Thanksgiving.  We began our Rocks and Minerals unit by embarking on a rock hunt here on campus.  It was amazing to see all of the interesting rocks our geologists found!  Once we collected our rock samples, students utilized rulers, balances, and their observing skills in order to list as many properties of the rocks as they could.

Below are the learning targets we will be covering over the next few weeks.

- I can explain the difference between a mineral and a rock.
- I can name the three different types of rocks.
- I can identify how igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks are formed.
- I can explain the rock cycle.

Some of Room 13's "ROCKstars"

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