Monday, May 6, 2013

TJS News

Pac Man Post-its
by: Makell and Carter
Did you know that someone made a Post it notes arcade?  How many posts it notes do you think were used for this arcade?  This man named Mr. Birkens made an arcade out of post-it notes. It took 11 months and 4,800 post it notes to create. He made the arcade to try to make the boss like him so he could move into a bigger office.  Mr. Birkens made it in 2010. For more information, go onto  This is all I have for this story, stay tuned for the next story.
Earth Day
by: Julia
Did you know that we do not take care of our Earth very well?  Every day one American throws away four pounds of garbage a day, and how much we throw away a year is over 1,600 pounds of garbage.  If you recycle one glass bottle, it can power your computer for 30 minutes.  If you recycle 2,000 pounds of paper you could save 17 trees.  When you recycle one ton of paper you could save 6 months of energy for your home.  We should all care about our Earth so help your Earth.
Source: Time for Kids

Fast Lane
by: Woody
A company names Volkswagen made a fast red slide in 2010 in a subway in Amsterdam.  Instead of taking the stairs, people had the choice to slide down the "fast lane."  It happened so people could have fun and get home faster and also to speed up life. 
Source: Dogo News

Message in a Bottle
by: Grace and Sam

Today I have a breaking news story about how the biggest message in a bottle has been launched into the Atlantic Ocean.  The biggest message in a bottle was launched from the coast of Spain in the Atlantic Ocean. It is almost 6,000 pounds.  A company called Solo is giving a free party to whoever finds it, so be on the lookout for this large, orange bottle.  That is all I have for the biggest message in a bottle.  Stay tuned for the next breaking news article.
Source: Dogonews



  1. Makell and Carter I like your story about how Mr.Bercan made a post it note arcade. I think it is really interesting.

    From Julia

  2. I like the Pac-man post-it because it is cool that they used post-its to make a Pac-man and a Blinky man.

  3. Woody

    I liked how you told us were it is, who made it, and good reasons why we should us it.

    From Julia

  4. I like how you put a lot of detail in the articail woody. The story looks very cool.

    From: Carter E. Roosa
