Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you all had a relaxing winter break and are ready for a wonderful 2013!

We will be starting new units in both Science and Social Studies.  In Science, we will be exploring the solar system for 5-6 weeks.  Students will start a moon journal this week and carry it through the end of the month in order to see the different phases of the moon.

In Social Studies, we will be learning about the different regions of the United States.  We will be covering the northeast, south, midwest, and west regions.  Students will be able to choose a specific state to research in each region and have an opportunity to practice important study skills such as  note-taking, outlining, researching, and determining important ideas in a text.

Here are our homework assignments for the week:

- Fill out your moon journal each night.  Make sure to color in the part of the moon that you see in the night sky.  (Due: Friday, January 11)

Social Studies:
- Latitude and Longitude worksheet (Due: Friday, January 11)

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome and all of theachers might want to have one just as cool you are. I like how you can put an update the blog instede of doing onther one.

    everbody Freind
