Monday, September 10, 2012

Homework Assignment

Hi Everyone!

Here are the homework assignments for the week...

- Scientific Method worksheet- Think of your own hypothesis and experiment to go with the different scenarios.

Social Studies:
- Continents and Oceans worksheet
- Bring a map to school on Friday- There are so many different kinds of maps in the world.  Pick one to bring on Friday to share with the class.  I can't wait to see what you all bring!

You have until Friday to turn in homework.


  1. Great Website!!!!! Its A Really Cool Blog

  2. The class is really cool It teaches us about things around the world

    -Noah and lane

  3. the class room is vary cool i like all the maps around the room
    i like every thing in the class room

    mary kate smith

  4. thank you for being such a great teacher

    mary kate
